He was born in and remained in Nova Scotia. Martin has resided in Conquerall Bank for over 60 years where he and his wife Cheryl of forty-five years, had their three children. As a firm believer in personal community involvement, he has assumed leadership roles both in his local fire department, community and provincial Boards. He has served in senior positions on provincial and national Boards as well. On several occasions he has provided leadership on financial strategies such as his work on the Audit and Finance committees for the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation where he served six terms. While serving several years as president of the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association he helped to move the once debt-laden-association forward and into the black again. He has continued his leadership role here for over four decades. Martin served 21 years on the national Board for CVFSA.
Martin Bell served two terms as Deputy Mayor. With a genuine interest in the well-being of his community and its residents, he listens to people and works to bring about great results. This is the philosophy he brings to the job as Councillor for District 2. With over 35 years in pre-hospital care both as a Field Paramedic and as a Medical Dispatcher at the Provincial (911) Medical Dispatch Center he has had to make life critical decisions daily with split second accuracy. He was one of the first to have received his Emergency Medical Dispatcher Certification with International/Quality Distinction within the Province of Nova Scotia. In 2018 Martin retired from EMC-EHS and dedicated himself as a full time Councillor and continues that today.
Coastal Protection
Crescent Beach is a place I visit every week, sometimes more than once per week. It is a great place to just walk with the breeze in your face. I almost always take my dog because she enjoys it more than my wife and I. It was on March 18th that someone asked me “what did I think of the Seawall”…
Cape LaHave Island Is Of Significant Value
I believe Cape LaHave Island is of significant value to our community and our nation. The former MODL Council moved unanimously in November of 2019 to direct staff to develop a Conservation Agreement with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust for Cape LaHave Island…
Investing into Affordable Housing
One of the more serious concerns I have heard during my 2020 election campaign was the need for affordable housing for poor and working-class families. In a wealthy country like Canada with resources to assist corporations, there is something…
Investing into and protecting Open Space Strategic Plan
In MODL we have six rails to trails that we support. Martin has walked every single trail in MODL and fully supports the idea of making sure the trail groups that we partner with have financial support to continue their…
Aquaculture (Fish Farming) operations
With the possible establishment of open-pen fish farms back in 2019 and 2020 we heard from various communities their concerns. In February of 2020 I wrote an open letter to constituents stating that I hear your concerns. I was concerned that several sites like Cherry Hill…
Active Transportation
Martin believes Active Transportation (AT) enhances quality of life, attracts business and knowledge workers to a community and contributes to economic development. Over the last 10 years, the concept of Active Transportation has been gaining popularity because the health, social, environmental, economic and…