Investing into and protecting Open Space Strategic Plan
Monday August 17th, 2020
To: Constituents
In MODL we have six rails to trails that we support. Martin has walked every single trail in MODL and fully supports the idea of making sure the trail groups that we partner with have financial support to continue their work. This is an important group of volunteers who continue to pursue expansions and address any safety issues.
River Ridge Common has had some major investment in its recreation opportunities and this park was keeping the needs of children and youth in mind as well as adults. Martin has been and continues to be a keen supporter of River Ridge Common.
The MODL looks after the interests of the public on the Cape LaHave Island property. Martin wants to ensure individuals have the ability to camp, hunt, hike or just walk our dogs on this great 2,600 acres of prime undeveloped land. Martin wants to ensure this island stays as undeveloped land. It must be one of the few old growth forests left on the east coast. It is our understanding that the Crown turned over this land in trust to the Township-Municipality of New Dublin later to become Municipality of the District of Lunenburg. A few years ago, the federal government considered making it part of Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site as a seaside distant park but MODL did not allow that to happen. Martin wants to explore conservation options for Cape LaHave Island if it can ensure public access for years to come. We need to avoid mistakes where there once were thought to be public trails or access that over time seem to disappear. Martin points to a program where MODL works with the Mahone Islands Conservation Association (MICA) to ensure zero development but free excess by the public in a protected policy.
In recent years Martin has noticed a larger number of people visiting the island and became concerned that the property may be destroyed by overuse or abuse. MODL has no intention of selling the property, nor do they have any intention to give up our Common Lands Trust that would endanger our ability to keep control of this land as a type of green open space status. One issue that presents a concern is that we do not have the ability to police the property and so we rely on local citizens to keep an eye on the property.
On November 26th, 2019 Martin brought forward a motion to consider working with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust on the development of a Conservation Agreement. He presented a motion that Municipal Council accept the recommendation of the Policy & Strategy Committee and direct staff to develop a Conservation Agreement with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust for Cape LaHave Island and to bring the Agreement back to a Council meeting for consideration; and further, that the Agreement developed include a community consultation process. This motion was supported unanimously by Council.
On this motion Martin included that the process include citizen engagement and planning through a community consultation process. This format was used when we asked the community to provide input when we were fighting to keep the Petite Riviere and Pentz schools open when it looked like they were closing for good. Martin wants to have the same input from those who live around the island, those who fish around the island and from those who use the island. We need their input as we seek ways to protect this property.
Another motion Martin brought forward from the Policy & Strategy Committee was to sign a Letter of Intent with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust so that MODL Council proceed with a conservation easement agreement, or a separate agreement called a, “Stewardship Plan” which when created would be a stand-alone document from an easement agreement. The Nature Trust would look at establishing a property guardians volunteer program who would help monitor and steward the Island. The Nova Scotia Nature Trust has been a registered charity since 1994 and has over 14,000 acres of outstanding lands protected, forever. Martin wants to have Cape LaHave Island protected forever from developers and he does not want any of the land sold to private individuals as all this island must remain Common Lands for everyone to enjoy.
UPDATE added September 26th 2023 – Another motion Martin brought forward from the Policy & Strategy Committee was, “that Municipal Council accept the recommendation of the Policy & Strategy Committee and direct the Mayor to write to the Provincial Minister responsible for Public Works, Kim Masland, with copies to the Premier and local MLAs, requesting that the speed limit be reduced and a crosswalk or other infrastructure solution be implemented to improve pedestrian safety at Rissers Beach Provincial Park”. While MODL does not own the Rissers Beach Park we see a safety issue that we want corrected and maybe through a partnership approach we can find a solution.